Three Things You Must Have In Your Business Ideas

Three Things You Must Have In Your Business Ideas

The first thing that your business idea needs to include in itself is the problem that their implementation will solve. Who will buy something from you if he don’t have a problem that will be solved buying your product or service? In Wikipedia the problem is defined as:

    A problem is an issue or obstacle which makes it difficult to achieve a desired goal, objective or purpose. It refers to a situation, condition, or issue that is yet unresolved. In a broad sense, a problem exists when an individual becomes aware of a significant difference between what actually is and what is desired.

People always desire something new or better. Between a desire and current situation, there is a problem. Every problem needs a solution and those solutions are your business ideas. How much bigger will be the difference between the current situation and desire, bigger will be the problem. With bigger problem you will produce a bigger desire for the solution.

Problems will always exist on the market. As Ichak Adizes say we always have problems, and we will not have problems only when we die. However, every problem doesn’t have the same weight. To find the real problem on the market, you must analyze the current situation asking and answering these questions:

    What is the type of the problems that exists on the market?
    How many people have the same problem?
    What are potential solutions to those problems?
    Can we offer the best solutions for those problems?
    Do those solutions solve the whole problem?

Desire as the Second Element of Your Business Ideas

Some problems are big problems and some are small. Some problems can be ignored and some don’t. As an entrepreneur, you need to think about problems for which exist a big desire to be solved on the market.

Why there is a need for big desire? Because if your potential customers are starving for the solutions that your business will give them, there is a big probability for success of the business with your unique business idea.

Desire is an emotional situation of the person that represents the level of wanting something. In your case the level of wanting to find the solution for the problem. How much more the person wants to find a solution for the problem, they will have a bigger desire. When they have a bigger desire they will also decide to buy of that solution.

Desire as the element of a business idea is important also because of the price of the solution. If the desire is greater the solution will be more expensive and will bring more profit for your small business.

Visit world of docs for more free documents related to business, because in this way may be your problem becomes a new business idea
